Hey Hackintosher! this post is for you who have
If you come to this page then you must be having a problem with dual boot. And in this article or you can say my
As you know the clock format in Mac and Windows was different. I am not gonna explain to you what the technical stuff that cause it.
You can ask google later, there is a lot of website/blog talking about it. Because I just want to show you how easily to sync clock between Mac OS and Windows.
You know if you run dual boot Mac OS and Windows every time you log on from one to another you have to change the clock settings to get the time right. If you do that over and over again you will get tired of it.
So you will need to sync clock between Mac OS X and Windows.
This is how you can make them “run in harmony” you can say.
To do that you need to tweak the Windows system. In this case, you gonna need to tweak the Windows registry. So if you now online on Max OS then its better to restart your computer and log on to Windows.
Tweaking Windows registry to sync clock Mac OS X and Windows
In order to sync clock Mac OS X and Windows whether your computer is ‘Hackintosh computer’ or real Mac, you need to make your hand a little dirty by tweaking Windows registry to make Windows real time to become
To do that, open Registry Editor by typing
In Registry editor go to SYSTEM > CurentControSet > Control > TimeZoneInformation.
Add new Custom key inside the TimeZoneInformation. To do it just right click with your mouse New > DWORD (32-bit) Value and give it name RealTimeIsUniversal. Then double click on it change the value data from 0 to 1 see the picture below.
When you are done, close Registry Editor and once again restart your Computer.
But this time log on to Mac OS and setting the right clock and timezone according to the

One more time restart your computer and log on back to Windows to see if it works.
And you are done!
Tadaaaa! This time your clock must be have synced.
Simple eh?
If you do it correctly then it must be work. This method also works for real Mac user as I
Okay! I think is done so I hope
Anyway! Thanks for landing to my blog
Have a great day!
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