Since I’ve upgraded my Hackintosh from El Capitan to Sierra, it’s almost a year now. Start from first final release on September 20, 2016, which the version is 10.12 till now 10.12.5. And even now Apple has released a new version of Mac OS called Mac OS high Sierra (10.13). Is announced at WWDC on June 6, 2017, a few days ago. It’s the first of a beta version and released for developer preview only. I heard that public beta will be released
Okay! back to my low budget hackintosh.
As I run Sierra so far I always update my
But like we all know that running Hackintosh will be always an issue. Especially with the hardware. So in this post, I will talk about that.
Issue that I face while running Sierra on my low budget hackintosh
Even on high spec PC that running Mac OS, there will always be an issue. Moreover, if it running on a low budget PC like mine. So this is some issue that sometimes happens.
- It may be, rarely happens but sometimes my
hackintosh get CPU panic, mostly on boot section, and then restart by itself. - Since the beginning, it only ever freezes once and restarts by itself.
- FaceTime and
iMassage won’t work. Even I know that the only way to make it work is by adding a real mackintosh ROM serial number to RT Variable in Clover settings, but I won’t do that. Because I don’t need it anyway. And to keep it a legal hack. - Can not shut down completely. But I found the solution by changing the power supply with one that has an additional power button. (Actually is fine, and doesn’t ‘effect’ anything, just like when you plug cable power to stop contact and your mouse and keyboard in standby mode.)
I have wrote a post about using the newest power supply model that ha
What can my hackintosh do
Believe it or not, my hack can do almost the real Mac could do, from play game to video editing stuff without any problem.
What my hackintosh can’t do
Even on small buffer size 32 and 46-bit audio settings. I have latency problem while test my hack for recording or just Jamming on DAW software.
It begins normal and fine but after about 20 minutes play guitar or any instrument. Then a massive delay between what you play and the output sound begins.
It also happens on a standalone application that I’ve tested. But Thank God, the problem
So yeah you can use
So if you guys want to use Hackintosh for recording stuff make sure you have a good Power Supply Unit and more better if you install it on SSD. So you will not hav a latency problem and
If I have budget $1200 + ???
When you ask me,
If I have a budget about around $1200 would will I spent it to build a super Hackintosh PC or buy a real iMac (mid
Then my answer is clear and loud.
I will choose to spend that darn money to buy a real iMac and use it to do my work.
End of story.
There will be always a problem and issue, but that’s the fun of Hackintoshing right!
So if you guys want to learn to build your own Hackintosh, make sure to research about what hardware that supported, what kind of laptop series that known good and work well to install mac os system on it, etc,
For hardware research, there are few sites you can visit. these sites were dedicated to covering stuff related Hackintosh like; tonymacx86,
Here at my blog I also will always share my experience about Hackintosh to you guys. I also dedicate a special category, for me to share things I’ve learned related
You may need to know, I only preferred to do a vanilla
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