If in the previous post about SEO plugins for WordPress blog I have discussed how to setting plugin All in One SEO pack. This time I will share tips about another great SEO plugin. WordPress SEO by YOAST. Just like All in One SEO Pack plugin. WordPress SEO plugin by Yoast is a very popular tool used by webmasters.
In order to improve their site performance in search engine results like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex,
If you use the Yoast plugin, indirectly you will learn how to be an SEO expert. Even if you are a beginner blogger you will be able to easily apply it. And yes! you can still get great results even if you use a free version (aka free!)
Is moving from All in One SEO Pack to Yoast SEO will affect the performance of the blog?
Before we find out how to settings plugin WordPress SEO by Yoast. This may become a question of bloggers who already use an
“Is moving from All in One SEO Pack to Yoast SEO will affect the performance of the blog?”
And the answer is; no! moving from one plugin to another plugin does not affect the performance of your blog.
Is just that there’s one important note from my personal experience, that you might get different results from the same plugin on your other blog/website.
So, again if you feel you are not getting the optimal results from the plugin you are using now. Maybe it’s time you try to move to another plugin. In this case, is moving to YOAST and you can compare the results.
For how to migrate from other plugins to YOAST SEO you can read the tutorial on this page yoast.com/all-in-one-seo-pack-migration/
OK, here’s how to set-up Yoast SEO, but make sure you already install and activate the plugin.
But if you haven’t YOAST Installed yet, to install the plugin just search at the plugins page. In the WP Admin panel go to > Plugins > Add New
And in the search
Once the plugin is installed you may get notified about related to SEO issues in your blog.
No problem, just follow the instructions that YOAST give. This is what I mean with the ‘education’ feature.
OK, after you finish with the installation it’s time to set
Settings wizard
Page #1 The first page of the wizard you will find two suggestions, choose the first to do it step by step accordingly.
Page #2 Since this tutorial is meant for sites that are already live, then on the next page choose Option A then click Next.
Page #3 In the
Page # 4 On the fourth page, you will be asked to choose whether your blog/site is an
For a blog just select Person then the form for the name will appear, just type your name.
Page #5 On the next page you need to choose to enter the social page of your blog. On the social network like facebook, twitter,
Page #6 This setting wizard will ask you to choose a page or post that will appear in the search engine.
This time do not need screen shot just click Yes > Yes.
Page #7 Next, you will be asked if your site has multiple authors besides you.
If you plan later on your blog will working with another author, then choose ‘Yes’
Page #8 In this settings page you are asked to enter the authorization code just click the button ‘Get Google Authorization Code’
A pop
Then copy and paste the code provided by Google and click Next.
Page #9 On page nine your wizard settings will give you a
If you are confused just choose the first one.
Page #10 Well! in the ten page you get offered if you are interested to subscribe Yoast Newsletter.
This is up to you. If you want to be up to date about SEO news and stuff is better to subscribe.
Page #11 In this page Yoast gives choice if you want to upgrade to the premium version and also video tips. Just skip if you want to use the free version.
Page #12 SUCCESS!
Settings YOAST SEO for Search Appearance
For the general
See example in the screenshot below!
In general setting > Knowledge Graph you can also upload your site logo and explain that your site is personal or company.
Content Type
For the setting in the
For Media setting, is better not change it and leave the settings as they are.
In the Taxonomy setting, also is better to
In the

For setting the Breadcrumbs can be optional. If you want to use breadcrumbs on your site you can choose to enable it.
In the RSS settings better leave the settings on the default. When finished click the blue button Save changes to save the changes.
Conclusion and others
After finish setting Yoast SEO, it’s time to use Yoast to help optimize the new post that you’ll make. Or improve the
It’s easy to use the Yoast plugin, just follow the instructions under the post editor.
For example, if the keywords are less or too much, then the
Basically, if you want to learn by yourself I’m sure you will easily understand how to work with Yoast SEO. Because in your WP Admin now you will be guided by YOAST.
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