Having a fast & stable Computer is always a delight, but can PC run faster even with minimum RAM?. In this post, you can apply a few tips that you can try to tweak your Windows 10 to get the maximum performance and speed as fast as possible. These tips will really useful especially for PC with minimum RAM. We not gonna do some extreme tweak here, we will do it in a “casual way” for home and personal use. Whether you run Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 this method will work great as well.
This Windows 10 performance boost tweak trick is really really good if you are using your computer for Home recording. However, it also good for any purpose too. Okay! These are things you can do to boost Windows PC performance! So! let’s do some tweaks! ?
1. Disable Unescessary Effect
Go to Control Panel > System properties > Advance system
Then you can disable the unnecessary effect. For example, uncheck Enable peak, Slide open combo boxes, Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing and
But make sure to keep the Windows 10 appearance still looks “easy in the eye.” See the example in the screenshot below;
When you are done disable the unnecessary effect that can slow down Windows loading time. Click the
2. Set performance to Background Services And Set Paging File
Continue with click Change button to change Virtual memory then uncheck Automatically manage paging file size for all drive and select Custom size.
Calculate it using easy math, for example, if your RAM is 2 Gb then set the Initial size to 2000 MB and the Maximum size is 4000 MB.
This very useful if your RAM is below 4 GB. This Paging file will make your Drive as it as a RAM.
When you’re done don’t forget to click Apply. When a warning message
But remember to reboot your computer later for the change to take effect. See screenshot below for example;
3. Disable Remote Assistance
Back to System properties by go to Remote tab and uncheck Allow remote assistance connection to this computer.
You can enable it again later when it’s needed for work with the
4. Disable Automatically Sincronize Internet time
Don’t worry this will not effecting the internet connection. As long as the year of the date is not set in January 2005 while the present date was January 2017 :))
To do this go to Control panel > Date and time > Internet time Change settings. Uncheck Synchronize with an internet time server and click Apply.
5. Disable Unnecessary Startup Program
By disabled unnecessary startup programs who really make Windows load slowly when you first log on. It will make a big difference.
To do that, right-click on the Taskbar and select Task Manager. Or you can just type Task Manager in the Windows search bar. Then, go to the startup tab and disable unnecessary startup programs/applications.
Warning! do not disable any Windows system program.
6.Turn Off Scheduled For Defragment and Optimize Drive (Optional)
This is optional but can really improve your Windows 10 performance in most situations.
Go to Control panel > Administrator tool and double click to open Defragment and optimize drive on Schedule
After doing this always remember to do it manually at least 3 times a month to maintain your drive. See the screenshot below.
7. Disable User Account Control Setting
Go to Control Panel > User Account > Change User Account Control setting. Set it down to Never notify.
8. Disable Auto Play
To disable auto
Instead of using the auto-play you can open the device manually. You can enable some of the
This is also good to prevent virus for spread immediately
9. Set Power to High performance (Optional Desktop only)
Warning! Never do this on Laptop! this it’s only for desktop PC only.
To do it, go to Control panel > Power options > Additional plans then select High performance.
Continue with click on Change Advanced Power settings then set Hardisk, Turn off display and Put Computer to Sleep, Hibernate, to Never. See the screenshot below.
For more ‘safe’, you can set the Turn off Hard disk to 120 minutes or 60
10. Delete junk and temp files
Actually, you can use some program like CCleaner to do this job for you. But you can do this manually.
To do it manually go to Control Panel > File explorer option > view “tab” > Hidden files and folder.
Select Show hidden files, folder and drive click Apply. This will make all hidden files and folders appear on File Explorer. See screenshot.
Then open File
When you finish tweaking, restart the computer! log on back and you can feel the difference in your Windows PC performance.
The other thing you can do especially when you are running Windows 8.1 & 10 is by turn off some of the apps on the Windows Start menu that’s you are not ‘
One more thing, don’t forget to schedule scanning your system with Antivirus software.
And consider upgrading your PC/Laptop memory RAM size. The bigger the
Okay, that is a few things you can do to boost Windows 10 to get a better PC performance. I hope this tip
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