Talking about Hackintosh again this time, and now I covering the topics related Vanilla
I’ve got a lot question about this issue from a few
If you are following my guide and using my pre-edited config.plist and all the
Unfortunately, the 1% that I found is mostly in shutdown issue. Actually, it’s fine, it just like when you first time plugging your PC Power cable to the power source, and mouse keyboard, etc in a standby mode.
In this post, I also want to share my thought and opinion about using DSDT and other technical/non
After doing a lot failed! trial and fatal error experiment. I can say it’s useless and such a waste of time. If your machine hardware, in theory, I cannot be hacked using that DSDT and
It a very risky too, if you don’t know what you’re doing with that (DSDT). However, in the newer machine, it may work fine.
If I am right guys at tonymacx86 have a list of hardware for PC/Laptop along with pre
So! if your Hackintosh is cannot completely shut
But if you still insist want to full shutdown there
It has nothing to do with technical stuff. It’s just an alternative method by using hardware and creative ways to cheat the system.
I know it’s weird and maybe need an extra cost to buy things, but at least it won’t make you get a headache ?
Okay! this is the idea
‘The weird solution’
#1 Is by using a Power Supply that has the ‘Power button’ most of the
There is a lot of brand and model that you can find on local or online computer store.
If you are live in US check my recommended power supply that you can found at Amazon: Amazon
[Note!] Do not shut down your PC directly from the power supply while the OS’s still running. It can mess your PC. Turn your Hackintosh normally first, and when the machine been shut
#2 Is by dual boot with Windows OS (It useful for Hackintosh laptop that cannot be hacked with DSDT method) So if you wanna shut down your Laptop, simple.. just restart from Mac OS and when you are in Clover/Chameleon boot option choose to log on to Windows, and shut
I know it’s a
Based on my experiences
In Mac OS X Maverick, I never deal with this issue, but since Yosemite. Yeah! ..it happens. I think this issue is caused by the latest macOS unable to recognize the UPS properly because a non
So! that’s all, my weird advice and recommendation to fix the
Overall, it’s better to make a vanilla Hackintosh by your self, even with all the problem you will deal with, but! it safe for sure. Rather than using an instant
Or.. maybe you are using a ‘Paid
If you can do it by yourself, why not!
Before you go, don’t forget to leave your opinion in the
Thanks for read my post, have a nice day! ?
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