Just upgrade my low budget Hackintosh to macOS High Sierra 10.13.5 (17F77) and change the hard disk with the brand new one which is Seagate Pipeline ST3160316CS 160 GB SATA. Because the old one (SAMSUNG HD160JJ 160 GB) has died.
To install macOS High Sierra 10.13.5 on new drive I still using the same method: “install macOS Sierra first, then direct upgrade to High Sierra from App Store.” You can read post about why and how to direct upgrade here Hackintosh Direct Upgrade From macOS Sierra to High Sierra ‘Link will open in new tab’
But don’t worry guys! it was not because
Since I bu
Fact That A hard Disk Can’t Last Longer
You know! that generally a hard disk only can last at the average in three to five year according to prosofteng.com. And yea, it’s true and makes sense. Since you know, I mostly use this drive for experimenting with different computers operating system stuff, and yeah! use it for
So, you don’t have to feel paranoia or something for
Try to Restore Data From A Dead Hard Drive (“Mission Impossible” part II ?)
Yeah! the bad news is I haven’t backup my data and my data might be lost forever. No! I won’t cry or angry because feel sorry for losing almost 70% of my data.
So what I do is check my dead hard disk using tool U
Finally, I still have a hope to get all my data’s back when I heard the sound of how the drive spinning when connecting it through USB to SATA converter tool. Which is, the drive spinning, then after a few seconds I heard clicking sound a couples time then stop spinning.
That’s mean something stuck in there, and when I can fix that, mean I still have hope to get all my data back. Just wish me luck!
The t
You can get the
From what happens to me, I hope you guys can get a lesson that having an external hard disk is wise for backup your data frequently before it’s too late. And yeah! sa
However! now my low budget
And yep! my niece have test it to play her favorit games 🙂

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